When You Need Us, We’re Here To Help!

At Baggio Chiropractic, we're concerned with whole body care, from the inside out. Let us help you feel like yourself again!


Located at 10555 W Parnell Ave in Hales Corners - conveniently right off HWY 100


M/T/W - 8am-12pm, 2pm-6pm; TH - 9am-1pm, 3pm-7pm; CLOSED FRIDAY


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Need To Order Standard Process Supplements?

Ordering is NOW ONLINE! Click here to order: https://baggiochiropractic.standardprocess.com

Anther Great Year For “We’ve Got Your Back” Fundraiser for Yellow Brick Road Rescue and Sanctuary!

Thank you to all of our patients who so generously gave to the pups in need!

Laser Therapy

About Us

What Our Chiropractic Family Is Saying…

With chiropractic care I can now walk without a cane and do everything I did before. I can bring my coffee cup to the table without spilling and I am thankful for this every day.
— Marion D.
What I didn’t expect was to have my weekly headaches disappear & my digestion improve greatly. Prior to chiropractic care, I had once a week bowel movements, now it’s 3-4 times a week. I feel so much better all around.
— Chris N.
With the help of Dr. Baggio, I was able to get back to normal activities and did not have to rely on pain killers to function through my day and night.
— Sherry F.