Your Adjustments Just Got Better!

EVRL Laser Therapy for Pain & Healing



Our low level laser therapy will take your adjustment to the next level in healing and pain relief! Each session takes 10 minutes or less, but the results are huge!

How Does It Work?

Each cell in your body is loaded with receptors that grant access to important substances, such as insulin, to the inside of the cell.

During an EVRL laser treatment, the light penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the receptors on and in the cell.

Receptor stimulation with light promotes energy production, biochemical reactions, protein and growth factor synthesis, cell growth and proliferation and enhanced blood and oxygen flow.

In other words, the light provides energy for healing!


Customized to you!

Each treatment is customized to your your specific issues, making the treatment more effective than a one-size-fits-all therapy!

Give It A Try!

An EVRL treatment is fast, easy, and is scheduled with your adjustment. You may purchase them individually or as a package to save money.

Individual Laser Treatment: $30.00

Package of 10 Treatments: $250.00

Packages are “bankable,” can be used whenever you want and never expire.